Its for sure that you have heard that coffee is a great source of energy, right? But it is not only that! Coffee also has other features which are helpful to our health. It is possible to find caffeine in lots of medicines for headaches, for example. Besides that, coffee has become a perfect ally for who wants to accelerate their metabolism and be more energetic. Coffee contains certain properties which help in this process and those who want a more fitness life.
It helps to decrease fatigue and inhibits sleepiness, which makes you more alert and more energetic. It also works as a natural thermogenic, transforming calories into energy, which works even better when mixed with other also thermogenic ingredients. Some companies already sell ready-to-be-consumed coffee, like Coffe MixBrasil Fit. Those are the fitness coffee. You just have to dissolve and enjoy!
The importance of coffee in the pre-workout
Apart from caffeine, it is also possible to find chlorogenic acid in coffee, which ensures increased calories expenditure, decreases lipids levels in the blood and improves glucose tolerance. All this guarantees a positive result on the energetic metabolism.
This interaction between the stimulating components and their effects on glucose metabolism also favours glycogen replacement and makes coffee a perfect drink to drink before your workouts. It is important to highlight that this stimulating effect is more evident in women than men due to oestrogen. Therefore, coffee can and should be consumed as a pre-workout drink with the intention to accelerate your metabolism and produce more energy. Additionally, coffee has anti-inflammatory action, and the presence of flavonoids, which keep your heart in perfect rhythm!
It has also been said that coffee can cause dehydration. Studies have shown that if only 400mg are consumed, caffeine has no impact on possible dehydration or liquid retention, which is just good news for all of the coffee lovers.
Should I take supplements and pills?
It is true that there are many caffeine-based supplements, but are they natural? Are they good for our organism like coffee itself? Despite the great variety of supplements being sold out there, the truth is that until July this year, there was not even a specific regulatory law for this category in Brazil. Brazilian’s National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) approved in that month a series of rules for food supplements. These rules determine that the benefits should be detailed on the label and the manufacturers have the deadline of 5 years to regulate their procedures.
Meanwhile, why take risks? You know caffeine is good for your health, but not in any quantity. That is why it is safer to keep with what is natural and reliable, like Coffe MixBrasil Fit.
You can’t be too careful when it comes to ingest supplements, whether they are in powder or pills. It is not known yet how much is appropriate, so, stick to the thermogenic ones because they are the best option.
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