Frequently Asked Questions about Coffee MixBrasil Fit2022-05-17T13:29:00-03:00

Frequently Asked Questions about Coffee MixBrasil Fit

Here you will find the answers to all your questions about Coffee MixBrasil Fit. Its ingredients, benefits, possible health related restrictions, advantages, and much more. Below are frequent questions pertaining to Coffee MixBrasil Fit:

1 – What is Coffee MixBrasil Fit?2022-04-11T13:49:42-03:00

It is a functional, soluble coffee mixture which brings not only the benefits of coffee, but also the benefits from its 5 other ingredients.

Its composed of a healthy (balanced thermogenic Mix). It is 100% healthy free of any additives or preservatives, boosts fat burning properties, provides fast energy to your body, enhances your mental performance, and fights aging and inflammations.

2 – What are thermogenic foods?2022-04-11T13:48:40-03:00

They are natural stimulants for those who desire to enhance their performance, focus, agility, and the ability to burn excessive fat.

These foods elevate the body’s temperature resulting in a metabolism acceleration.

All foods consume energy through the metabolization process by organisms. However, there are a few which are scientifically known for inducing quick metabolization. Therefore, when they are digested by the organism, they cause a reaction called thermogenesis, consuming calories in order to retain the body’s heat.

On the other hand, ingesting this type of food will not result in weight loss if the person continues to ingest excessive calories. That is why it is vital to combine a balanced diet with regular physical activity. That is the only way to boost calorie burn and lose weight in a safe manner.

3 – What are the benefits of thermogenic foods?2022-04-11T13:47:56-03:00
  • Better blood circulation.
  • Elimination of body fat.
  • Decrease of glucose levels.
  • Strengthening of the immune system.
  • Prevention of diseases like colon and ovarian cancers.
  • Enhancement of good gastrointestinal functioning.
  • More energy during physical activity and throughout the day.
  • Metabolic acceleration, increasing body temperature.
  • When combined with physical activity, it helps with weight loss.
  • It inhibits the appetite and promotes a feeling of satiety.
  • Enhances physical performance in weightlifting and aerobics, such as running.
  • Cuts down on the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
  • It promotes diuretic actions.
4 – What are the ingredients of Coffee MixBrasil Fit?2022-04-11T13:47:21-03:00

Soluble coffee, MCT (Coconut fat), turmeric, cocoa, cinnamon, and Cayenne pepper. It does not have any additives such as: flavoring, emulsifiers, anti-humectants, and sweeteners.

5 – What are the benefits of caffeine?2022-04-11T13:45:28-03:00

Caffeine is a plant in the xanthine family, which is a group of substances capable of stimulating the central nervous system and create a short-term alert state. It is a stimulating substance capable of crossing the blood brain barrier in our brain and provoke different benefits like boosting of energy, reducing fatigue, enhancement of sport’s performance, and the thermogenic effect.

6 – What are the benefits of MCT (Coconut fat)?2022-04-11T13:44:46-03:00

MCT (medium chain triglycerides) is a type of fat that does not need enzymes to be digested, therefore its absorption is faster, which results in the immediate production of energy.  Since it is not a food that can be accumulated as an energy source, a deposition in adipose tissues and weight gain do not occur. Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid, which promotes cardiovascular health and strengthens the immune system because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is rich in Vitamin E, is a powerful antioxidant, fights aging, as well as promoting the activation of some hormones directly connected to the center of satiety in the brain, which, of course, gives the feeling of satiety.

7 – What are the benefits of turmeric?2022-04-11T13:44:08-03:00

Turmeric has many different names in Brazil. The main active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin, a flavonoid which is a great ally of a healthy diet because of its thermogenic effect. It is rich in fibre and vitamins, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates antioxidant actions, is capable of preventing diseases, such as: cancer and Alzheimer’s. It helps in treatments for digestive problems; such as, indigestion, a lack of appetite, gastric acidity, liver treatment, arthritis, eczema, rheumatism, psoriasis, and asthma. It also collaborates in the management of blood glucose levels, and excellent for the prevetion of diabetes. Research shows that turmeric prevents the formation of molecules responsible for the formation of fat cells and has a thermogenic effect.

8 – What are the benefits of cocoa?2022-04-11T13:43:31-03:00

Cocoa is considered a “super food” for its high levels of antioxidants. It is rich in minerals, such as: zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, iron, and calcium. Its powerful antioxidant action in the organism neutralizes the effects of cellular damage caused by free radicals from stress, poor diet, pollution, inflammation, and obesity. It assists in blood vasodilation which, along with other actions, can prevent cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, it decreases LDL (bad cholesterol), increases serotonin, dopamine and phenylethylamine levels in the central nervous system, which in turn generates a feeling of well-being. It contains substances, such as 2-phenylethylamine and N-acylethanolamine, which act on the receptors that stimulate the desire to eat sweets in the central nervous system, In this way, we are able to control the craving for sugar more easily, which is great for those who want to lose weight. It stimulates the release of endorphins and the increase in one’s mental disposition, due to the presence of biogenic amines, which can improve mood and depression. With high hydrating power, cocoa fights free radicals, thus, preventing cell oxidation.

9 – What are the benefits of cinnamon?2022-04-11T13:42:47-03:00

Cinnamon improves the immune system and accelerates the body’s metabolism, besides facilitating the action of insulin in the organism helping to control diabetes and cholesterol. It contains minerals and nutrients like calcium, vitamin A and C, phosphorous, and magnesium, besides being thermogenic. It is also rich in antioxidants and has the power to control glucose blood levels.

10 – What are the benefits of Cayenne pepper?2022-04-11T13:42:08-03:00

This specific type of pepper is rich in capsaicin, a substance that favours increased fat breakdown in the adipose tissue, increases heart rate, and improves blood circulation. It helps with weight loss and fat burning if its consumption is combined with a healthy diet.

11 – To what purpose and for whom is Coffee MixBrasil Fit recommended?2022-04-11T13:41:09-03:00

Coffee MixBrasil Fit is recommended:

  • As a pre-workout for those who exercise regularly.
  • To help with weight loss.
  • For those whose work routine demands a great amount of physical and/or mental energy.
  • For people who study for long hours. 
  • For those who appreciate delicious coffee!
12 – How much caffeine is there in one serving?2022-04-11T13:39:58-03:00

There is about 145mg of caffeine per one Coffee MixBrasil Fit serving.

13 – Are children, women with child or lactating, seniors, or people with any diseases allowed to consume Coffee MixBrasil Fit?2022-04-11T13:38:50-03:00

They can only consume it under the advisory of a nutritionist or a doctor.

14 – Is Coffee MixBrasil Fit a vegan product?2022-04-11T13:37:45-03:00

Yes. Coffee MixBrasil Fit is a vegan product and 100% natural.

15 – How many servings of Coffee MixBrasil Fit can be consumed in a day?2022-04-11T13:36:42-03:00

2,5 servings (or 250ml) of Coffee MixBrasil Fit a day are recommended so it does not go over 400mg of caffeine consumption per day.

16 – When is the best time to consume Coffee MixBrasil Fit?2022-04-11T13:31:01-03:00

Anytime is Coffee MixBrasil Fit time! However, if you have troubles sleeping, avoid drinking it after 6 p.m.

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